marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

Who I am?

Who I am? Pai cred ca ar trebui sa va zic.
Sunt Georgiana, din Galati, am aproape 15 ani si mi'am zis sa'mi fac un blog. De ce? Pentru ca am citit cateva bloguri si mi se pare tare idea, si vreau si eu sa scriu pe un blog, parerea mea pe diferite subiecte, dar sa pot sa dezbat cum trebuie.
Cred ca ar trebui sa'mi fac o prezentare generala, dar mai bine folosesc ceva gata facut de altcineva, pe care nu trebuie sa il gandesc, fiindca duc lipsa de inspiratie in momentul de fata :D

 - Available: For who needs me
- Animal: Parrots

- Birthday: 28. XII

- Best friends: Sandra, Diana, si restul >:d<
- Best feeling in the world: Happiness
- Best weather: Sun. :X
- Been in love: Nope :)
- Been on stage: Yes. [X_X]
- Believe in yourself: Of course.
- Believe in life on other planets: Maybe :-??
- Believe in miracles: Sometimes
- Believe in magic: No.
- Believe in God: Yes.
- Believe in Satan: Yes.
- Believe in Santa: Ah, no.
- Believe in ghost/spirits: Nope :D
- Believe in evolution: Yes.

- Candy: Dapp :X
- Color: Blue.
- Cried in school: First grades
- Chocolate/vanilla: Both
- Cake or pie: Both
- Countries to visit: UK, USA, France

- Day or night: Night
- Danced: Dapp
- Danced in the rain: Nope :-?
- Danced in the midlle of the street: Nope

- Eyes: Hazel
- Ever failed a class: Nope

- First thoughts waking up: What time is it?
- Fruit: Apples, Strawberries

- Greats fear: Many :D
- Gum: Five

- Hair colour: Dark brown
- Height: 1.72
- Happy: Dapp :X

- How do you want to die: Happy :D
- Hate: Some things.

- Eye colour (in boys): All :D
- Hair colour (in boys): All D
- Height (in boys): Taller than me.
- Clothing style (in boys): Doesn't matter as long as they look good :D
- Ice cream: Vanilla.
- Instrument: Guitar :X

- Job: Journalist, Psyochologist, Guitarist

- Kids: Yep, a girl ;))
- Keep a journal: Yes.

- Love: E nough
- Love at first sight: Never

- Manga: Nope.
- Movie: More than just one :D
- Marriage: I guess so :-??

- Number: 7
- Nickname: Georga, Alice Morris

- One wish: Happiness
- One phobia: Ophidiophobia[Snakes]

- Place you`d like to live: Hmm.. I don’t know yet.
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke.

- Reason to cry: Memories
- Reality Tv: More than one

- Song: White horse, Never too late, September
- Shoe size: 40
- Smoked: No.
- Sing well: Some say that I do :-??
- Single or group dates: Single.
- Strawberries or blueberries: Strawberries

- Time for bed: 22-2 :))
- Touch your tongue to your nose: Nope.

- Vegetable you hate: Dunno.
- Vegetable you love: More than one ;))

- Weakness: A few
- Wanted to be a model: No.
- Where do we go when we die: Heaven or Hell
- Worst weather: Storm
- Word: Awww

- X-mas: Love it :X

- Year it is now : 2010
- Yellow: To strong X_X

- Zoo animal: Lions&Tigers

8 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Nu cumva d eprin jurnalul meu de pe D.M. ai asta? :P =]]]

Georga.Alice spunea...

Ba da, si nici nu'mi cer drepturile :))

Anonim spunea...

Adica MIE sa mi le ceri. =]]]] :P

Eu am luat asta de pe fostul blog al lui Raiz, dar am precizat asta in jurnal. :P

Georga.Alice spunea...

Imi cer scuze ca nu am destula inspiratie incat sa inventez ceva original si am folosit ceva pe care l'ai folosit si tu. Nu am de gand nici sa ascund asta, nici sa neg. Am zis ca nu eu am facut'o, dar ce rost avea sa mentionez de unde o am cand o parte din oamenii care citesc asta nu te stiu? Ei bine, cel putin nu te stiau ;))

Anonim spunea...

Macar din bunul simt. :P

Anonim spunea...

Anyway, nu sunt aici ca sa ma contrazic / cert and so on. ;))

Anonim spunea...

Mah, nu va certati aici :-w
Sunt zeci si zeci de bloguri care au acelasi gen de leapsa pe care a postat-o Al- si da, pot sa dau si exemple:>
Oricum, Al, mult succes cu blogul >:D<

Anonim spunea...

Waa, Erin te iubesc. :X

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