sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2011


Random About You:
—Spell your name without vowels: Grgn
—What color do you wear most?: Purple
—Least favorite color?: Brown
—What are you listening to?: Nothing right now
—Are you happy with your life right now?  Yes.
—What is your favorite class in school?: English
—When do you start back at school/college?: I’ve already started
—Are you outgoing?: Sometimes
—Favorite pair of shoes? Snickers&Skaters
—Where do you wish you were right now?: England.
—Can you dance?: Yepp :>
—Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: No
—Can you whistle?: No, not really.
—Write with both hands?: Yes, even though I’m a lefty .
—Can you walk with your toes curled ?: Never tried actualy :-?

—Do you believe there is life on other planets? No
—Do you believe in magic?: No.
—Love at first sight?: No
—Do you believe in Santa?: No.
—Do you know how to swim?: No
—Do you like roller coasters?: Hmm, they're awsome, but they still scare me

—Have you ever been on a plane?: No
—Have you ever asked someone out?: No
—Have you ever been to the ocean?: To the sea. Does that count? :-?
—Have you ever painted your nails?: Yes.

—What is the temperature outside?: Cold
—What radio station do you listen to?: I don't usualy listen to the radio :)
—What was the last place you ate at?: Home.
—What was the last thing you bought?: Some Bread
—What was the last thing on TV you watched?: "Dansez pentru tine"

—Who was the last person you IM’d?: Nico
—Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Can't remember :-?
—Who was the last person you said ‘I love you’ to?:  Don't know for sure. It's either Dana or Sandra

—Ever really cried your heart out?: Yes.
—Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes.
—Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder?: No.
—Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Yes
—Do you cry when you get an injury?: Sometimes
—Do certain songs make you cry?: Sometimes.

—How many times have you had your heart broken?: Once
—What is your current hair color?:  Brown
—Current piercings?: No.
—Have any tattoos?: No.
—Eye color?: Brown.
—Favorite eye color: Doesn't matter
—Short or long hair: Medium.
—Height: Taller.

—Been to jail: No.
—Mooned someone: No.
—Ran away from home?: No.
—Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes.
—Cried in school?: Yes.
—Thrown up in a store?: No.
—Is there something really stupid that you still laugh at today?: Yes.

—Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
—McDonald’s or Burger King: None
—Single or Group Dates: Single.
—Chocolate or Vanilla: Both
—Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
—Meat or Veggies: Veggies.
—TV or Movie: Movie.
—Guitar or Drums: Guitar.
—Adidas or Nike: Converse ?.
—Chinese or Mexican: Chinese
—Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Cheerios.
—Cake or Pie: Both :X

PS1:De pe tumblr
PS2:Va puteti servi
PS3:Pentru cititori: Eu, sau Manu, raspundem uneori, mai mereu, totimpul, la comentarii :)

joi, 14 aprilie 2011

Scurt metraje

Scurtmetrajul este definit caun film ce nu depaseste o lungime de 20 de minute.
Ei bine, de ceva timp imi place ideea asta de a face scurt metraje. Mai ales pe mine, cu talentul meu de regizor, scenograf, si evident cu toata modestia caracteristica :)) Dar chiar mi'ar placea sa am un astfel de proiect cu semnatura mea pe el :-? Si mai mult imi surade aceasta idee de cand am vazut doua astfel de productii pe site'ul Creative Monkeyz.  Unul dintre filmulete il pun si aici, intrucat mi s'a parut foarte dragut, ideea este exceptionala, este realizat foarte bine, iar actorii sunt numai buni. Iar feita aia blonda e pur si simplu adorabila :X

Uncle Jack from Futuristic Films on Vimeo.

Si cred ca i'ar placea si sora'mii sa facem unul :-? Cel putin asa a zis :)) Tot ce avem nevoie e un scenariu, o camera de filmat, actori disponibili, si putina chinuiala cu montajul :-? Cu scenariul cred ca va fi greu...fiindca mie mi'ar placea sa fie ceva sweet, poate romantic, dar in acelasi timp funny, iar Manu...nu prea stiu :-? De camera facem rost usor, imprumutam noi de la cineva...gasim, iar montajul :-? Un programel de editat cred ca ar fi perfect, si sa incerc eu sa'i dau de capat, sau se ocupa cineva care deja se pricepe, chiar daca nu cunosc pe nimeni :-? Cat despre actori...Se ofera careva? :>